Datalogic’s Magellan 9800i Redefines Retail Checkout Scanning
Leading the way in retail checkout scanning, the Datalogic Magellan 9800i is the world’s first in-counter barcode scanner driven completely by high performance digital imaging, resulting in the ability to increase checkout performance in the world’s busiest checkout environments. Compared to traditional laser based in-counter scanner/scales, the 9800i greatly improves checkout speeds but also opens new interactions with a customer facing imager to easily scan digital coupons from smartphone screens and traditional paper/card based coupons.
Key Features
- Advanced digital imaging in all reading planes
- Seamless reading of 1D and 2D codes in all planes with good-read audio and visual confirmation for fast, uninterrupted scanning
- Optional Top Down Reader (TDR) adds large topside field-of-view as well as a customer-facing mobile device reader
- The largest ever All-Weighs scale platter enables effortless, accurate weighing of long or bulky items
- ScaleSentry Shrink Monitoring/Prevention System reduces losses from oversized items outside the weighing surface
- Low bonnet height allows for accessibility and flexibility in checkstand layout
- Top side accessible service port allows for the product to stay in the counter for most service calls (including software upgrades)
- Illumix Intelligent Illumination Technology designed for digital imaging in retail