Honeywell Voyager 1470g Barcode Scanner for Maximum Retail Productivity

Posted April 7, 2022

The Honeywell Voyager XP 1470g Barcode scanner is a highly accurate 1D/2D scanning device with a robust form factor that is intended for in-store retail applications.

The Voyager XP 1470g’s improved functionality makes it possible to read damaged and low-quality barcodes, which saves everyone time.

The 1470g corded barcode scanner is prepared for the rigors of busy point-of-sale scanning and can resist 30 drops from 6 feet and 1,000 tumbles from 1.6 feet.

Voyager XP Benefits

With the Voyager XP 1470g Barcode scanner, you can guarantee a better shopping experience for your store’s employees and a speedy checkout for consumers. Benefits include:

  • Extended scan distance, even reaching products at the bottom of the cart
  • Reads damaged and poor quality 1D/2D barcode labels
  • Faster scan speeds on digital coupons, smartphone codes, and more
  • Integrates with Honeywell Operational Intelligence software
  • Automatic updates and scanner management

For a detailed look at everything the Voyager has to offer, download the XP 1470g spec sheet today. We would be thrilled to assist you with deploying new scanners from Honeywell. Just contact us today for more information, product availability, and pricing.

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