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The End for 2G/3G is Near – Are You Ready for the LTE Migration?

Posted August 30, 2018


Verizon has formally announced that their support for 2G and 3G will end on December 31st, 2019; after which they will begin dismantling the two networks.

With Verizon no longer activating Non-LTE devices after June 2018, and re-purposing its assets for LTE, this will present a problem for current devices on cellular coverage. Industry experts feel, in addition to Verizon, other network carriers will soon make their own announcements regarding the 2G and 3G networks.

Are you prepared?

Join Us September 20th at 11 AM CST

In the informative webinar you’ll learn more about this industry-impacting transition and the benefits of moving to 4G. Further, Zebra Technologies and Barcodes Inc can help you create an individualized plan for the inevitable LTE Migration.

Don’t miss out, click the Register Now button below to sign up.

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Webinar Presented by:

Terry Bitz
Senior Sales Engineer



Barcodes, Inc., Janam, and Unitech Donates for Hurricane Relief

Posted November 30, 2017


In late August, Hurricane Harvey made landfall in the Southeast coast of the US and the Caribbean. A lot of people were affected by the wind, flood, and the destruction that it had caused. Disaster victims were left without homes and power.

Barcodes, Inc. worked on a few office fundraisers, including a coin drive and additional monetary donations, in order to help the people that were affected by the devastations. In addition to monetary contributions, our employees also contributed to the food and blood drive to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey and Irma.

We are happy to announce that Barcodes, Inc. has raised $1000. We would also like to issue a big thank you to our partners, Janam (provider of rugged handheld mobile devices) and Unitech (provider of barcode scanners and mobility) who matched our donations, which brought us to a total of $3,000 raised and donated to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief. Red Cross will use donor dollars to provide meals, shelters, and health services for individuals and families affected by the hurricanes.

We hope that this will help our friends in need at this time and we will continue our efforts in our fundraising activities to do more and help others in need.


Barcodes, Inc. 1st Annual Book Drive for Open Books

Posted July 14, 2017

Barcodes, Inc. held a friendly competition all for a great cause. The point of the competition pitted department against department, all in an effort to see who could collect the most books during the company’s 1st annual book drive. At the end of the competition, Barcodes, Inc. collected a total of 260 books to donate to Open Books.

Open Books is a nonprofit organization that looks to provide literacy experiences for tens of thousands of readers each year. Through their instructional programs they cultivate the literacy skills of thousands of children and youth each year, from those who need intervention to those who desire enrichment. Through their book programs they provide readers of all ages with engaging, appropriate, and high-quality books. Open Books delivers thousands of books to schools and nonprofits across the Chicagoland area each week.

Barcodes Inc. Recognized as HandiFox Partner of Q2 2016

Posted July 12, 2016

handifoHandiFox Partner Program recognizes HandiFox partners for their productivity, outstanding efforts and achievements throughout a given quarter. HandiFox has named Barcodes Inc. as their Q2 2016 Best Partner and have dedicate a blog post to our long-term partnership.

As a provider of barcode, mobile computing, and RFID solutions, we are always looking for efficient and effective solutions to integrate inventory capabilities for our customers. Serving all types of businesses, we often comes across customer’s needs to integrate with QuickBooks or other platforms to improve inventory capabilities. This is where our relationship with HandiFox has been essential.

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Barcodes Inc Lends A Hand At The Greater Chicago Food Depository

Posted March 18, 2016

GCFD 1The Greater Chicago Food Depository is a nonprofit food distribution and training center that provides food for hungry people while striving to end hunger in our local communities. The depository makes a daily impact across Cook County with a network of 650 pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, mobile programs, children’s programs, older adult programs and innovative responses that address the root causes of hunger.

Barcodes Inc recently came out to the GCFD warehouse to lend a helping hand with their food repacking. Much of the donations that come into the depository are in large palette-sized containers that need to be repacked into smaller boxes to be easily distributed to food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters throughout Cook County.

During the few hours spent there, the Barcodes Inc group was able to repack 11,650 lbs of cabbage for easy delivery to our communities.

You can find more information on how to volunteer to help stamp our hunger in the Chicagoland area at the GCFD website.

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