
VeriFone M252-653-A3-NAA-3 Payment Terminal

The VeriFone M252-653-A3-NAA-3 Payment Terminal has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
VeriFone Vx 520 - VX520, CTLS,NAA DIAL/ETH,128/32MB, STD KEYPAD, SCR 40 MM. Requires key injection in order to accept debit or credit card payments. Please call for more information.
VeriFone Vx 520 Payment Terminal Model Overview
We didn’t skimp when we designed the VX 520. The industry’s fastest processor – ARM 11 – handles more transactions in less time for greater profits. Plus, explosive memory capability that can exceed 500MB means more revenue from value-added transactions, and preparation for things that lie ahead. Speaking of the future, NFC and contactless capabilities are already integrated in – no separate attachments necessary – it’s built right into the device.
Vx 520
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The VeriFone M252-653-A3-NAA-3 Payment Terminal is also known as VFN-M252653A3NAA3 or M252653A3NAA3.