Service Main Type:
Service Sub Type:
Service Characteristic:
Parts & Labor
Service Details:
- This agreement is available for the listed models which are still within the first year of the standard warranty period
- The date as stated on the product invoice serves as proof of the date of purchase
- The product warranty is valid for a total period that includes: the initial standard warranty period plus the duration of the extended warranty
- An Evolis product is warranted from its date of purchase, as stated in your invoice
- In addition to the general warranty conditions as described in the "Evolis Limited Warranty" document delivered with your products, Evolis supports the repair of a defective printer covered by the "parts and labor" warranty if the troubleshooting carried out by the Evolis Repair Center identifies a hardware failure
- In case of a hardware failure: the cost of replaced components/parts, the cost of labor, the shipping and handling costs for returning the repaired product, are all borne by Evolis
- The shipping of the product for repair to the Evolis Repair Center is at your expense
- Evolis and Evolis appointed carriers cannot be held liable in case of product deterioration and/or destruction during shipping if consequential to inappropriate packaging
Provided Support:
- Repair
- Parts Replacement
Service Location:
Service Duration:
1 Year
Product Supported:
Evolis Primacy Printer