
UIC PP795-NM0DKD0UB Payment Terminal

The UIC PP795-NM0DKD0UB Payment Terminal has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
UIC PP795 - Pinpad w/ Touch panel, no LAN, MSR only, no SAM, RS232 cable, power adapter, 4MB, No SD slot.. Requires key injection in order to accept debit or credit card payments. Please call for more information.
UIC PP795 Payment Terminal Model Overview
UIC's PP795 is a versatile payment terminal incorporating a PCI 2.1 approved PIN pad and a high-performance signature capture in a small, cost-effective package. With integrated magnetic stripe and optional smart card and contactless readers, the PP795 is ready to handle your transactions. Features such as multiple payment options, user-friendly ergonomic design, multiple languages, and advanced security technology make the PP795 the right solution for any retail or financial application.
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