TrueView: How to Create Custom Views
My Custom Views
This screen provides you the ability to create customized views for summary screens and for reporting capabilities
Once a customized view has been created it will be listed in the drop-down menu. These customized views can be exported to CSV
or set up as a report that can be generated and emailed automatically based on user defined period.
A new view requires a title and description.
To add title, select the pencil to right of Add View and Description to enter desired information. You will then be ready to create your View.
Select Columns radio button to choose attributes for created View
- Choose desired attributes to display in created view from drop down list by clicking on box next to attribute.
- Selected attributes will appear in box on the left. You can change the order in which they appear with up/down arrows to the right.
To apply filters to selected attributes press the Filters radio button
- The selected attributes chosen in columns will appear in left side box and the applicable assets will appear in right side box.
- You can choose from list to narrow down view to only specific options listed
- Click on any of the attributes displayed to bring up corresponding information
To establish schedule for generating and sending report of view press the Actions radio button
- Email copies of views will be sent to contact selected on frequency selected
Once you have selected all options press apply changes radio button to save. A pop up will be displayed View Updated Successfully and
you will be returned to summary page. You will now see your view listed in drop down.