
Star TSP743IIU-24GRY Receipt Printer

Star 39442511 Receipt Printer A newer version of this item is available.
It is replaced by the Star 39442511 Receipt Printer.
Star TSP743 - Thermal, two-color printing, 7 ips, USB interface. Includes auto-cutter. Order cables & power supply separately. See accessories. Color: dark gray.
Star TSP743 Receipt Printer Model Overview
The super fast TSP743 2-color thermal printer is packaged in a small footprint and is ideal for POS, credit card, restaurant, barcode, hospitality, and kiosk applications. Businesses can really benefit from the ultra high print speed. The TSP743 enables you to print receipts with logos and barcodes plus add coupons or rebate certificates while decreasing customer wait time. The TSP743 can store multiple logos or coupons in the printer, allowing you to print a company logo or coupon with every receipt, even when using a serial printer.
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The Star TSP743IIU-24GRY Receipt Printer is also known as STA-TSP743IIUGREY or TSP743IIU24GRY.