SOTI Parts Products
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Products and Parts from SOTI.
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SOTI Parts Products Options
SOTI SOTI-HOST-BCI Service ContractMobiControl, BCI Cloud Device Hosting Fee (Per Device License Per Month)In Stock$10.50
SOTI SOTI-ONE-BCS-B10 SoftwareGeneral Software, SOTI, MobiControl Cloud Bundle, Xsight, Premium SupportIn Stock$13.65
SOTI SOTI-ONE-BCL-B10 SoftwareGeneral Software, SOTI, MobiControl Cloud, Xsight, Premium SupportIn Stock$13.75
SOTI SOTI-ONE-BCL-B5 SoftwareSOTI ONE PlatformCloud Bundle B5 (MC Cloud - 2% Assist- 20%Snap - Support)-(Price per month)In Stock$14.88
SOTI SOTI-ONE-BCS-B5 SoftwareSOTI ONE Platform Hybrid B5 (MC Subscription - 2% Assist - 20%Snap - Support)-(Price per month)In Stock$14.88
SOTI SOTI-ONE-BCL-B6 SoftwareSOTI ONE Platform - Cloud Bundle B6 (MC Cloud - 2% Assist - Snap - Support) (Price per month)In Stock$19.75
SOTI SOTI-ONE-BCS-B6 SoftwareSOTI ONE Platform Assist - Hybrid Bundle B6 (MC Subscription - 2% - Snap - Support) (Price per month)In Stock$19.75
SOTI SOTI-DEV-ENT-N-36 SoftwareEnhanced Enterprise Support, replaces Enterprise Support legacy and Advantage Support legacy. er Device License For 36 Months)In Stock$21.28
SOTI SOTI-MCL-DHS-36 SoftwareSOTI - Devise cloud hosting fee. (Per Device License For 36 Months)In Stock$36.00
SOTI SOTI-MCL-DEV-36 SoftwareSOTI MobiControl Cloud License. (Per Device License For 36 Months)In Stock$72.72
SOTI SOTI-MCL-DEF-N2 SoftwareDedicated Environment Fee (monthly) - this fee applies to Soti installs with less than 75 devices. Once you are beyond 75 devices this fee is waivedIn Stock$76.92