rf IDEAS Parts Accessory
rf IDEAS Parts -
Products and parts from RF-IDeas.
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- Black (2)
- Access Control Card (19)
- Access Control Card Reader (55)
- Access Control Software (2)
- Cables, Connectors, and Adapters (9)
- Carrying and Protective Accessories (7)
- Computer Accessories (1)
- ID Badge Holder (2)
- Mounting Hardware and Stands (10)
- Power Device (4)
- Pressure Sensitive Barcode Label (3)
- RFID Card Authentication Reader (37)
- RFID Reader Accessories (9)
- Retail Barcode Label (3)
- Service Contract (2)
- Spare Parts (6)
rf IDEAS Parts Accessory Options
rf IDEAS BDG-ISO-MIFARE-1K Access Control CardsAccess Control Cards, rf IDEAS, MIFARE 1K ISO 30mil CardIn Stock$11.74
rf IDEAS BDG-FOB-MIFARE-1K RFID TagRFID Tags, rf IDEAS, MIFARE 1K Keyfob Blue. Must order a minimum of 100 units.In Stock$11.83
rf IDEAS BDG-CTW-MIFARE-1K Barcode LabelLabels, rf IDEAS, MIFARE 1K 30mil White Adhesive TagIn Stock$11.96
rf IDEAS BDG-1326 Access Control CardsAccess Control Cards, rf IDEAS, ProxCard II Clamshell-HID Prox (100 Minimum)In Stock$13.06
rf IDEAS KT-ANGLE AccessoryMounting Hardware & Stands, rf IDEAS, WAVE ID Black Angle Mounting BracketIn Stock$14.75
rf IDEAS BDG-1386 Access Control CardsAccess Control Cards, rf IDEAS, HID ISOProx II 30mil Card 1386LGGMN H10301 FC 190, Sold per card. Minimum order quanity 100 units.In Stock$16.05
rf IDEAS KT-SHBKT AccessoryMounting Hardware & Stands, rf IDEAS, WAVE ID Black Flat & Angle Mounting BracketsIn Stock$17.91
rf IDEAS LPS-9V670MAMULTIPLUG Power DevicePower Systems & Supplies, rf IDEAS, Power Supply Surface Mount multiplug 9V, 670ma, 2.1mm female connectorIn Stock$25.77
rf IDEAS RDR-6282AKU Access Control ReaderAccess Control Reader, RF-Ideas Wave ID Solo, SDK CASI Black, USB Reader. Card Technology: CASI-RUSCOIn Stock$119.45
rf IDEAS RDR-7F82AKU Access Control ReaderAccess Control Reader, RF-Ideas Wave ID Solo, SDK FeliCa Black, USB Reader. Card Technology: NFC Type 3 CSN (Felica)In Stock$131.49
rf IDEAS RDR-6982AKU Access Control ReaderAccess Control Reader, RF-Ideas Wave ID Solo, SDK AWID Black, USB Reader. Card Technology: AWIDIn Stock$137.83
rf IDEAS RDR-6782AKU Access Control ReaderAccess Control Reader, RF-Ideas Wave ID Solo, SDK ioProx Black, USB Reader. Card Technology: Kantech ioProxIn Stock$137.83
rf IDEAS RDR-7580AKU Access Control ReaderAccess Control Readers, rf IDEAS WAVE ID Writer, MIFARE Black USB ReaderIn Stock$167.91