
rf IDEAS RDR-805W1AW0 Access Control Reader

The rf IDEAS RDR-805W1AW0 Access Control Reader has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
rf IDEAS pcProx Plus - pcProx Plus Enroll Surface Mount White USB Virtual COM Reader
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rf IDEAS pcProx Plus Accessory Model Overview
The RF-IDeas pcProx Plus is a cutting-edge card reader that combines proximity and contactless technologies into one single reader. It is a desktop reader that possesses the capabilities of reading both 125 kHz proximity cards and 13.56 MHz contactless cards. The pcProx Plus reader eliminates the need for manual entry and provides error-free identification and security throughout the workplace. The pcProx Plus allows users to use their building access card or any 125 kHz or 13.56 MHz tags/labels for other forms of identification. The plug-n-play reader comes with flash memory, allowing the user to quickly configure the output to meet their needs. With its dual-frequency multi-technology, the pcProx Plus is highly configurable and capable of simultaneously handling any two of the available technologies.
pcProx Plus
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