
Proxim Wireless ORiNOCO Outdoor Wi-Fi Mesh Data Networking

The Proxim Wireless ORiNOCO Outdoor Wi-Fi Mesh Data Networking has been discontinued.
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High Capacity Mesh Access Points Deliver Flexible, Scalable and Reliable Data Proxim Wireless ORiNOCO Outdoor Wi-Fi Mesh - The dual-radio ORiNOCO Outdoor Wi-Fi Mesh deliver data, voice and video over Wi-Fi to the edge of a network over a flexible, auto-forming, self-healing, near line of sight mesh backbone. The dual-radio architecture separates the mesh backbone traffic from the edge access traffic, increasing capacity compared to single-radio mesh architectures.
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Proxim Wireless ORiNOCO Outdoor Wi-Fi Mesh Data Networking Model Overview
The dual-radio ORiNOCO Outdoor Wi-Fi Mesh deliver data, voice and video over Wi-Fi to the edge of a network over a flexible, auto-forming, self-healing, near line of sight mesh backbone. The dual-radio architecture separates the mesh backbone traffic from the edge access traffic, increasing capacity compared to single-radio mesh architectures.