
MMF 225-1516442-G3 Cash Drawer

The MMF 225-1516442-G3 Cash Drawer has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
MMF Val-u Line - 16" x 16", 24V, Dual Media Slot, 5 Bill/8 Coin till, Interface cable not included. Color: Stainless Steel
MMF Val-u Line Cash Drawer Model Overview
Val-u Line Cash Drawers provide affordable versatility to any POS system. Built to the exacting standards you've come to expect from MMF, this series provides many performance features in a compact size.
Val-u Line
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The MMF 225-1516442-G3 Cash Drawer is also known as MMF-1516442G3 or 225-1516442-G3.