
Ithaca PJ15USB-2-AC Receipt Printer

The Ithaca PJ15USB-2-AC Receipt Printer has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
Ithaca POSjet 1500 - Inkjet, two-color, receipt & validation printing, 12 lps, USB interface. Includes auto-cutter & power supply. Order cables separately. See accessories. Color: white.
Ithaca POSjet 1500 Receipt Printer Model Overview
Based on proven inkjet technology that's been extremely successful in the POSjet 1000, the POSjet 1500 offers the same speed, color choices, easy operation and simple integration as the POSjet 1000, but with a few key additions.
POSjet 1500
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The Ithaca PJ15USB-2-AC Receipt Printer is also known as ITH-PJ15USB-2-AC