
Ingenico LAN700-USSCN73A Payment Terminal

Ingenico Lane/7000 - Payment Terminals, Ingenico Lane/7000, Standard Plus (Part# PRG30312951R), PCI PTS 5.x, Support EMV chip & PIN, EMV chip & sign, contactless (NFC), mobile wallet, and magstripe transactions, Requires Interface Cable, Power Supply, and Key Injections
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Ingenico Lane 7000 Payment Terminal Model Overview
Designed for speed and efficiency, the Lane/7000 creates new points of consumer engagement that improves brand loyalty and drives additional sales. Ingenico's first and only PCI PTS 5.x certified solution, the Lane/7000 is natively designed to meet local regulations and ensure long-term compliance. It uses the latest cryptographic schemes with future-proofed encryption, while additional anti-theft systems, such as Kensington locks, offer further protection.
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The Ingenico LAN700-USSCN73A Payment Terminal is also known as ING-LAN700USSCN73A or LAN700USSCN73A.