HID DTC400e ID Card Printer
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HID DTC400e ID Card Printer Options
Fargo 44260 ID Printer CleanerFargo Cleaning Rollers 3 Pack for DTC300, DTC400, DTC4000, DTC4500, DTC100, C30, M30In Stock$33.00
Fargo 54300 AccessoryMag Encoder Module DTC400/e, C30/e, DTC300$17.64
Fargo 54001 Access Control ReaderiCLASS, MIFARE/DESFire, and Contact Smart Card Encoder (Omnikey Cardman 5121*) for the DTC400e
Fargo 41603 HolderClear Vinyl Pouches (100 Count - Vertical CR-80 Card Size)
Fargo 41604 HolderClear Vinyl Pouches (100 Count - Horizontal CR-80 Card Size)
Fargo 44300-BCI AccessoryAccessory, ISO Dual Magnetic Stripe Encoder for the DTC300/400 SeriesPlease Call for Pricing or to Purchase
Fargo 54152 ProductsDual-Sided printing module for the DTC400e
Fargo 85976 ID Printer CleanerCleaning Kit for the DTC300 and DTC400; 4 Swabs, 10 Cards and 40 Gauze Pads
Fargo 82123 AccessoryLED Fluorescent UV Light (Key Chain). For use with fluorescing ribbons.