HID DTC4000 ID Card Printer
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HID DTC4000 ID Card Printer Options
Fargo 44260 ID Printer CleanerFargo Cleaning Rollers 3 Pack for DTC300, DTC400, DTC4000, DTC4500, DTC100, C30, M30In Stock$33.00
Fargo 85625 AccessoryMaintenance Sign-Fargo Cable, 6 Feet, USB 2.0 High Speed Interface Cable$26.75
Fargo 47722 AccessoryDTC4000 Dual-Input Card Hopper$729.04
Fargo 47711 AccessoryFargo DTC4000 Ethernet Module w/ Print Server
Fargo 47709 AccessoryDTC1000 / DTC4000 / DTC4500 ISO Magnetic Encoder Field Upgrade
Fargo 47721 AccessoryFargo Same-Side Input Hopper, DTC4250e / DTC4500e
Fargo 41604 HolderClear Vinyl Pouches (100 Count - Horizontal CR-80 Card Size)
Fargo 47720 AccessoryFargo DTC4500, DTC4000 dual sided printer upgrade module.
Fargo 47700 Access Control ReaderContact Smart Card Encoder (requires a 5121 or 5125 to be previously installed) Field Upgrade