
Fargo Fargo INK1000 ID Card Printer

Fargo Fargo INK1000 - Bringing the simplicity and affordability of inkjet printing to personalized cards and IDs, the HID FARGO INK1000 is the next revolution in desktop card printing. Easy-to-use, affordable and dependable, the HID FARGO INK1000 is ideal for cost-conscious small- to medium-sized businesses and K-12 schools that need to print high-quality corporate and visitor badges, student and faculty IDs, or gift and loyalty cards. Ultra-reliable and low maintenance, the HID FARGO INK1000 features exclusive inkjet printing technology. Easy-to-install, snap-in ink cartridges contain specially formulated inks that naturally adhere to standard, off-the-shelf PVC and composite cards. HID FARGO INK1000 delivers high quality, high definition, true edge-to-edge ID card printing while eliminating the hassles of print ribbons or the need for specialized cards. With its high 600 dpi x 1200 dpi resolution, images are sharp and brilliant ? and text and barcodes are crisply defined.
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