- Color
- Monochrome

Get exceptional low light sensitivity and the ultra high resolution listed in the specs from the actual camera you install. The EverFocus Ultra Series EQ700 uses the Sony Exview HAD II 960H CCD to produce in excess of 720 horizontal TV lines of resolution from each and every Ultra Series 720+ camera we deliver; the resolution delivered by this advanced imaging technology will amaze you. Combine this with digital day/night, a native low light sensitivity of 0.05 lux, back light compensation (BLC) and highlight compensation (HLC) in a 3-axis wall or ceiling mount indoor plastic housing and you have a cost effective camera that fits a wide variety of indoor applications. The EQ700 comes with a 3.6mm lens (other focal lengths available -contact EverFocus) that covers a field of view 67° wide. With low 12VDC current draw, this is the package of price/performance camera features that you have been waiting for to create analog CCTV systems that produce astounding image clarity in a wide range of low light applications.
- Ultra ED700 Surveillance Camera
- User Guide
- 2 x Mounting Screws
- Power Adapter Pigtail
- Mounting Template
- CE