
Datamax-O'Neil E-4205A Barcode Label Printer

Honeywell PC43t Barcode Label Printer A newer version of this item is available.
It is replaced by the Honeywell PC43t Barcode Label Printer.
Able to print thermal labels, tags, wristbands, tickets, receipt paper in rolls or fanfolded packaging Datamax-O'Neil E-4205A - The Datamax-O'Neil E-Class Mark III: E-4205A Printer is a 203 dpi printer designed for a wide variety of industries and applications. The reliable and cost-effective Datamax-O'Neil E-Class Mark III: E-4205A Printer features a 5 inches/sec speed and 4.25 print width plus a choice of USB, Serial, Parallel and Ethernet interfaces. The Datamax-O'Neil E-Class Mark III: E-4205A Printer's large roll capacity and quick-loading media prevents lengthy downtime and enables fast performance.
Full specifications (PDF)
Discontinued See Replacement
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