
Datalogic SL2/4 SLIM Lighting

Datalogic SL2/4 SLIM - Datalogic's SL2/4 SLIM Safety Light Curtains, with ultra-compact mechanical dimensions, offer Finger and Hand protection where space and cost saving are requested. Furthermore, the cascadable connection allows to fit any machinery shape and geometry. Datalogic's SL2/4 SLIM Safety Light Curtains are the highest mechanical flexibility for a perfect fit into machine structures. The device combines simple commissioning and maintenance with high functional performance. Datalogic's SL2/4 SLIM Safety Light Curtains feature 14, 24 and 34 mm resolution, 34 different protection lengths with 30 mm modularity, and Auto/Manual restart and EDM function configuration by wiring.
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Datalogic SL2/4 SLIM Lighting Model Overview
Datalogic's SL2/4 SLIM Safety Light Curtains, with ultra-compact mechanical dimensions, offer Finger and Hand protection where space and cost saving are requested. Furthermore, the cascadable connection allows to fit any machinery shape and geometry. Datalogic's SL2/4 SLIM Safety Light Curtains are the highest mechanical flexibility for a perfect fit into machine structures. The device combines simple commissioning and maintenance with high functional performance. Datalogic's SL2/4 SLIM Safety Light Curtains feature 14, 24 and 34 mm resolution, 34 different protection lengths with 30 mm modularity, and Auto/Manual restart and EDM function configuration by wiring.