
APG JD212A-CW1816-U6 Cash Drawer

The APG JD212A-CW1816-U6 Cash Drawer has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
APG Series 4000 - 18.8" W x 20" D x 4.2" H, 212A Smart SerialPRO Interface, Stainless Steel Front with Dual Media Slots, U6 Till, Color: Cloud White
APG Series 4000 Cash Drawer Model Overview
The Series 4000 Cash Drawer includes dual media slots and coin roll storage in the same cubic footprint as the popular APG Standard Series 4000 cash drawers (18" x 16.7" x 4.2"). The dual media slots are beveled for smooth media insertion, and the storage space is separated for easier reconciliation. Industrial grade steel ball bearing slides, a robust latch mechanism, and a proven four function lock assembly ensure that Series 4000 Cash Drawers will continue the tradition of providing millions of smooth, trouble-free cycles.
Series 4000
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The APG JD212A-CW1816-U6 Cash Drawer is also known as APG-JD212A-CW1816-U6 or JD212ACW1816U6.