APG Cables Accessory
Assorted Cash Drawer Cables from ${mfg}
APG Cables -
See Specifications PDF for complete cash drawer to receipt printer compatibility information, or contact us if you need help finding the right cable

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APG Cables Accessory Options
APG CD-009A AccessoryAPG Cash Drawer RJ-12/RJ-45 Data Transfer Cable - 5 ft RJ-12/RJ-45 Data Transfer Cable for Cash Drawer - First End: 1 x RJ-45 Male Network - Second End: 1 x RJ-12 Male - 1In Stock$15.83
APG CD-D1D2 AccessoryAPG Cash Drawer MultiPRO CD-001B Data Transfer Cable - Data Transfer Cable - Splitter CableIn Stock$19.71
APG CD-039A Accessory420 Interface (for Elo Touch Systems)$14.95
APG CD-046 AccessoryRJ-12 cable for Posiflex PP-3000, PP-6000 and AURA PP-7000 (Drawer #1)$14.95
APG CD-047 AccessoryAPG Cash Drawer CD-047 Cable - Cable to connect Boca Lemur printer to 320/520 Interface RJ45 to 3.5MM Stereo Jack$15.30
APG CD-009B AccessoryAPG Cash Drawer MultiPRO CD-009B Interface CableNetwork Cable Adapter - Network Cable - RJ-45 Male Network - RJ-12 Male Network - 1$15.30
APG CD-016 AccessoryCable Kit (#420-520 MulitPRO, Drawer #1, 4-Pin Molex)$15.30
APG CD-003A AccessoryMultiPro I & III cable kit for use with Axiohm A470 & A475 printers.$15.83
APG CD-D1D2EP AccessoryAPG Cash Drawer Dual Drawer Splitter Cable - RJ-12 Male$19.71
APG CD-037 AccessoryAPG Cash Drawer CD-037 Cable - Data Transfer Cable for POS Device$19.99
APG CD-009A10 Accessory320 MultiPRO Cable Kit; 10 Feet, Drawer #1, RJ Connection, Ithaca$20.29
APG CD-007 AccessoryAPG Cash Drawer CD-007 - 5 ft cable has a 8P8C modular plug (RJ45) for your cash drawer and a 4 pin Molex connector$20.29
APG CD-007-10 AccessoryCable Kit (10 Feet, 320 MultiPRO, IBM 468 Terminal Interface)$24.38
APG CD-017A AccessoryAPG Cash Drawer MultiPRO Interface Cable - Data Transfer Cable - RJ-12$24.70
APG CD-005A AccessoryAPG Cash Drawer CD-005A MultiPRO Interface Cable - Data Transfer Cable for Printer