Math & Numbers for Kids

Math & Numbers for Kids

Math is not the easiest subject to learn and master. In fact, many people have more trouble with math than they do with any other subject in school. Math is made up of rules that can be hard to understand even if you are good with numbers. If you need a little extra help understanding some math concepts, you should not be shy about it because many other kids struggle with math too.

Integers are basically natural numbers and their negatives. Remember that natural numbers are the traditional number system that you are familiar with, the numbers going from {0, 1, 2, 3…}. Positive integers go {1, 2, 3…} and negative integers go from {-1, -2, -3…} and so on. These two sets of numbers are known as opposites: 1 is opposite to -1, 2 is opposite to -2, and so on. When you are working with numbers, you are almost always working with integers.

Meanwhile, prime numbers are natural numbers that can only be divided by either one or itself. The first few are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17. Going from that list, it is easy to make the assumption that prime numbers are odd numbers, but that is not actually true. All prime numbers are odd numbers but not all odd numbers are prime numbers. For instance, 9 can be divided by 3, 25 can be divided by five, and 45 can be divided by both 9 and 5. On the other hand, the number 1 is not a prime number.

Composite numbers are basically positive integers that can be divided by any positive number other than themselves. In other words, composite numbers are the opposite of prime numbers. Examples include 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14. All even numbers are composite numbers.

In math, a factorial is basically the product of all positive integers that are less or equal to when n is written like this: n!An example: 6!=1x2x3x4x5x6=720. In other words, a factorial of 6 would be 720 because you multiply every number up to 6 to get the answer.

Now, Pi is very complicated. Pi is used to help measure circles and in most circumstances it is written simply as 3.14, but in reality, the number goes on forever. It helps mathematicians determine the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. The first few numbers of Pi are 3.1415926535 and it literally goes on forever. In fact, new numbers are discovered every day in relation to Pi. Just remember that Pi=3.14 and you will be fine.

Numbers are not the easiest thing to understand, but once you get it down, it can actually be fun. Asking for help when you need it is important when it comes to math. If you can figure out how to accurately do math problems, it makes life much simpler and it helps you excel in school.

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